Thursday, June 30, 2005

Anna and Ella's Mommy's Birthday

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ella Enchanted ??

Since naming my daughter Ella, we decided we should read the book and watch the movie Ella Enchanted to see what she was going to possibly be attached to. The book is pretty good. The movie while cute is like most movies and no where near true to the book. Completely added major characters to the movie that did not exist in the book. Took parts of important story lines and didn't complete them at the end? Why do movies always do that? Well both are good, but obviously the book is better. It is pretty much just a variation of a Cinderella story, but with a twist on the idea of obedience.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

100 posts and some meditation

I just realized that the first picture of Ella was my 100th post. Well here is the monthly meditation from the Taize community.

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Luke 14:12-14

Using the example of the people we invite to the parties we organize, Jesus reminds us that the overflowing life of God’s Kingdom goes far beyond anything we can imagine and accomplish, even were we to manage our life, our resources and our relationships in the most prudent and judicious way possible.

God gives, with no strategy or keeping of accounts. He aspires to awaken in human beings someone like himself who enters into fellowship with him. The primary motivation in God’s Kingdom is the joy of unconditional giving. We are invited to take the same risk.

Those who want to take part in God’s Reign can leave behind the habitual tendency to calculate what will be most profitable to them or to create a network of people obligated to them. Loved by God, they are not the only judge of the worth of their life, nor the only one responsible for their happiness.

The poor, the lowly, those who “cannot pay you back,” become the privileged road chosen by God to open his Kingdom to us. By putting them in the place of honor, we will discover and confirm the freedom and the joy of giving.

To suppose, in God’s name, that other people, even those from whom I can expect nothing in return, are my joy, will extricate me from timidity, fear and contempt, and allow me to discover my inalienable joy. Such an outlook attests my specific human dignity and brings me to life beyond all expectations.

We are not invited to wait passively, as spectators, for the Kingdom to arrive. Living in the Spirit of Christ, we are called to take part in its coming by making ourselves servants and neighbors even of those who do not love us.

In my life, who are those who “cannot pay me back”?

In what circumstances have I discovered the joy and the freedom of giving unconditionally?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Father's Day

Had a great Father's day. My girls are giving me a shirt with their pictures on it and it says "We love our daddy". I will post pictures of it once it is ready. Had a chance to go golfing and broke a 100, which is always good.

I was also given the chance to preach Sunday morning and to pray for Kevin, Mandy and Lucy with the rest of the church gathered around. It was such a close time for our church. To update those who may be wondering, Lucy did test positive for Downs. She is doing great and so are her parents. They have nothing to worry about because besides having God at their side they have more family, friends, and friends of friends praying for them and helping to take care of them then they can count. They are a very blessed family and they know it and thank God for everyday.

Hope all the dads out there had a great day.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Hey everyone. Meet Ella's new best friend and neighbor. Isn't she a cutie?

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Happy Flag Day

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Update on Lucy

Here is the updated email from Lucy's dad:

Well the doctor came in this morning and said he couldn’t confirm a diagnosis of downs syndrome. She has some of the symptoms, but not nearly all of them. What they said seemed like a sure thing last night now isn’t. He still thinks she might have some kind of syndrome, possibly even a mild form of down syndrome, but only genetic testing will be able to tell for sure what kind it is.The real good news is that both she and mom are healthy.

They are very excited now and are no longer concerned with the long term but our living in the present of the wonderful gift God has given them. For the first 8-10 hours she was in an incubator and could not be held so they had nothing but their worries and fears to think about. But since getting to hold her all day yesterday they are very excited to have a wonderful little girl. Thanks to all those who prayed, they felt the prayers of all those lifted them up before God.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Lucy Kay

One of my best friends had a baby girl last night. Lucy Kay at 11:04. This morning I received an email from him telling me that they are 99% sure that she has down syndrome. Please be praying for the family. They will love and adore her all the same, but at this time is still a bit of a shock and bit much to take in on your first child. Just please, please be praying for this family at this time. God Bless you Kevin.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My wife is beautiful

I am finally sleeping in the same room with my wife once again now that she no longer needs to sleep on the couch to be comfortable. I am so happy to have her back and to reconnect. We seem to have loss some connection without our midnight talks as we drift off to sleep. I have a great wife and am be reminded again daily of that so wanted to make everyone else aware of it too.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Well not from college. Wasn't sure what to title this entry. As an associate pastor in the Church of the Nazarene there are so many steps you have to go through to become an "ordained" minister with in the church. One is to finish taking all the right classes and meeting with the credentials board to make sure you are on the right track. When you get a district license you meet with these men of the church once a year. I now have all the classes I need to be ordained and do not have to meet with them again until I am ready to get ordained.

The only requirement left is to get in my years of experience. To many this will not seem like much. To me it is a big step in following the plan God has for me and was happy to be reaffirmed that I am heading where He wants.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Rita's story

Rita left a comment on my entry about Ella being born on 05/05/05 and wanted to give something to Ella. This is her story:

I was also born on May 5th, but in 1955. I was so reluctant to celebrate this 50th birthday with a party, no woman enjoys getting older, I guess!

So I had been thinking about how to do it in an special way, my birth-date has always been making me feel kind of special.

About a year ago I had this idea, to find a little girl who would also be born on May 5th, this year and make her a symbolic present.

It seems silly, but you don't know how much I have been thinking of that new baby, it was very nice waiting for her.

I am a quilter and I have been working on this project for a few months now. Ella will receive a baby quilt.

But she won't be the only one.

I am originally from Belgium but we have traveled a lot in the past 20 years, and I made friends all over the world.

We spent 10 years in TX, where 3 of my kids were born.
Now, we live in Russia, where my husband works for an international company.

I couldn't choose in which country to look for that baby girl, so I finally decided to search in different countries.

Emma is the 2nd one: I found a baby called Lola, in France, and am trying to find a little Japanese girl, and also a Russian one .

This will give them a chance to connect when they grow up and possibly build friendship.
This would be cool, wouldn't it? The funny thing up to now is that they both have a 4-letters name, like me...

And Ella in 2nd of the family, as I was!

When my quilts will be ready, I will tell you and send one to Ella.

I wish you all a lot of happiness with your nice family!
