Tuesday, November 23, 2004

What a week

A very busy week. Swamped at work, went to Wal-mart and cleaned house. Going to 40th birthday party tonight for a friend. Trying to finish planning for Thanksgiving. Setting up a lunch this week since we are losing one of our regulars most likely after this week.

However all in all, God is enough!

Friday, November 19, 2004

35 days

Well there are just 35 shopping days until Christmas. Thankfully this year it is the thought of the gift that counts. I was going to go into some thoughts about how we shouldn't worry about the gifts we give and be thankful for the one true gift that was given at Christmas. We all hear it every year, remember the reason for the season. Yet we all go out to the mall, see Santa, spend too much money and eat too much food. Not that there is anything inheritanly bad in all this, I enjoy it as much as the next person. But beyond reading the Christmas story in the gospels what other ideas to people have for not forgetting what the season is really about? Just wondering?

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Okay, I told most people who would read this about this already. But since it is the most exciting thing to happen to me in a while I decided I needed to blog it.

A customer called and asked about services we had or didn't have on Monday. I answered his question he then asked to speak to a supervisor, I asked if he could tell me what it is in regards to. (My supervisor won't come to a blind phone call) He answered with a matter of fact, NO! I informed him my supervisor would want to know what the call was about before taking it. He then told me that I should not intimidate him and just put him through. Well it turned out my supervisor was at lunch. I made the customer aware and he asked for his name and said he would call back.

Well call back he did. And he left a message. In his message he said he talked to me and asked a question which I answered, but that I then "coughed" at him. (mind you I have had a cold for more than a week now) And anyways, I had coughed at him and that he realizes that there are a bunch of homophobic feelings going around today in neo-nazi America but that he did not think it was right for extremists like me to be playing games on the phone. He did not appreciate being coughed at and having his ETHNIC? background being made fun of. He then continued on about the different services we should offer.

To set the record straight, I do not endorse homosexual behavior. However, I do not make fun of it nor am I apart of any extremist group against them. This customer had never identified who he was during our call and certainly had no way of telling his sexual preference over the phone. And since when has letting out a cough become an official insult against any group of people, and when did homosexuality become an ethnic background?

Well anyway, we got a laugh out of it here at work. Because everyone here knows that I am the last person here who would be part of an extremist group, or purposefully try to upset somebody. If anybody can find a record of even heard of where coughing during cold season is a universal insult please let me know. I am 100% non-gay and a proud breeder.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Homecoming weekend

It was homecoming weekend here at MVNU this past weekend. I completely forgot it was until a friend asked if I was going to the homecoming basketball game. So we threw on our Cougar Crazy shirts and headed to the game. The visiting team took the ball first and went down and scored a three pointer. Our team then went down to our end of the court and proceeded to miss a pass and throw the ball out of bounds. Was not a good start. But we had a great finish, we won by more than 10 points!

It was not a major reunion year for me so there was not a lot of people there I knew from the old days, but it was still a lot of fun to go and cheer the team on again.


I can't believe I forgot to mention we heard the heartbeat last week. At our appointment last Wednesday we heard our new little one's heartbeat. It was I believe 155 which is a slightly slower heartbeat which I believe people tend to believe is more characteristic of a boy. :) But I am not going to get my hopes to high or to expectant one way or another. We do go for our sonogram at the end of next month.

I am also excited that one more of my friends finally announced that they have a little one on the way too. Between people at my work, Amber's work, church, the neighborhood, and good friends we know of 15, I believe was the count, babies that will be born in the next 9 months. We may be working on the new baby boomer generation.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Need More Excitement

Well another weekend is coming. And I usually only blog during the week so didn't want such a long time to go between blogs. But I don't have much to blog about.

I could complain about the incompetent customers who call in, but who wants to hear that. None of the calls were all that rememberable.

I did get to go Pizza Hut with some good friends on Wednesday, that is always fun.

I am in second place in my fantasy football league! Which reminds me I need to replace Holmes this weekend. My fantasy points juggernaut is out this weekend. :-(

Well that's all there seems to be for now. See ya on the other side of the weekend.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Steelers and Red Sonja

Okay, so I will give to the Steelers and Big Ben, they really handed it to the Eagles. Way to go Steelers. We will see you again at the end of the year.

Okay, that is out of the way. Last night I am at Wally world with Amber and Anna. Lo and behold I walk by the DVD's thinking it has been awhile since I have bought one. (Of course I have yet to watch the last two I have bought?) But anyways as I am looking them over and I see Red Sonja. Red Sonja! What is so exciting about it is that one of my best friends, Lee, is collecting all the Arnold movies on DVD and as far as I know this is the only one he is missing. Wishing I had a cell phone to call from there, I wait till I get home to give him a call.

Now he has had a history of spoiling great things like this by responding with answers like "Oh yeah dude, I have had it for like 2 weeks now." But this time he didn't. He thought for sure I was lying. I know this seems really dumb to most people, but Lee is always ahead of me on these kind of things. It was just one of those silly little things that is really cool to you but not to many other people. And since I have come to the conclusion that I seem to be the only person reading my blog, I am writing about it for me. Which from what I understand is who a blog is really suppose to be for anyway.

Friday, November 05, 2004


Well it has been a long week. I went to cold friday's this morning and got up at 6am to make hot chocolate for the kids at the bus stop. Normally Kevin does it, but he is Argentina this week. Michaele will be preaching for him this Sunday. Looking forward to the weekend. Will probably do some cleaning. Other than that at this time there are no big plans so it should be a good one.

Of course Sunday could turn out to be stressful if the Eagles vs. Steelers game should come on in our area. I am a huge Eagles fan and only a very, very slightly less Steelers fan. Where as my wife, Amber, is just the opposite. We are both huge Eagles and Steelers fans except when they play each other we have our own team. So it will be interesting to see what happens. Will the Eagles 7-0 streak come to an end or will Big Ben's 5-0 streak end?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


W. ell it came down to good old Ohio. W. hen the county I live in was mentioned on three national news networks last night and this morning because of local students having to wait up to 9 hours to vote, it was kind of exciting. W. e are waiting for it to be official, but it looks like we are going to see 4 more years. W. ednesday the 3rd looks like it will be as late as we are going to have to wait for our answer. W. ell I guess my prediction was wrong about how long it will take. W. hich is W. onderful news for the country.

W. ow, its seems to be ending. W. hile I tried to keep my blog free of political statements one way or the other, I think most can tell
W. hich W. ay I W. ent W. ith my vote.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day!!

Well it is election day. I am here in the swing state of Ohio and 4 people from work have already gone or attempted to go. Waits have been up to an hour and a half to vote. WOW!! People are turning out. I am willing to guess this will be the biggest voter turn out in history. I am also willing to guess we won't know who is going to win the presidency by the end of the day, week, possibly even month.

Two groups of students held an impromptu rally last night in our city square. I have long decided who I want to win, and would be really upset if he didn't. But if not I am trying to remind myself it will not be the end of the world. The United States has managed to survive many bad presidents. I guess we will just have wait and see what happens.

Wings like Eagles

Well Sunday I preached on Isaiah 40:31. It is funny, I like most people see that verse and think of soaring on wings of eagles. When the important part is the clause in the verse, those who hope in the LORD. It is in the bad times that we put our hope in the LORD that brings the renewed strength. It is then after relying on God that we can then soar like an eagle. We seem to want to skip any of the bad times and go straight to the soaring.

LORD as we go through the bad times in life, help us hope in you and trade our strength for yours!