Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Mark Palmer is a friend of a friend of a friend. But most importantly he is a brother in Christ who is in need. The following is Palmer's story that you will find by clicking on the button:

Palmer's Story:
In August 2003, Mark lost his young wife Jennifer to a swiftly-moving case of stomach cancer. Mark and Jennifer, in their fortitude in the midst of this tragic illness, were bold witnesses of the hope of Christ Jesus to many people far and wide. On November 6, 2004, Palmer was married to Amy Smith. However, two months later, in January 2005, Palmer himself was diagnosed with rectal cancer and was set upon a course of treatment. The most recent turn in this story is that in April 2005, Palmer found that his cancer treatment would not be covered by his insurance and that he would have to bear the cost of this treatment.

If God so leads you to give so be it. If not, please at least be praying for a brother of Christ. The greatest part of Palmer's story is the way the people around him have risen to take care of him much like I believe the church of Acts would have done.

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