Monday, March 28, 2005

More of the same

Well I know it is not a nice way to put it. (More of the same) But if I titled it "It's a girl." It would be too much of a giveaway for you to read on anymore. They are VERY sure it is a girl. Amber was sure because of all the differences in how she is carrying it and how she has felt that it was a boy. Oh well. Now we are kind of scared to try for a third and end up with three girls. We will have to wait and see how this one goes. Still no names picked out yet. Will probably do the same as we did with Julianna and have a couple of names and name her when we look at her and see which one feels like the best fit.


Anonymous said...

So, it's a girl....I think that is very exciting. Your daughter will have a baby sister, and what exactly is so scary about having 3 girls? Sounds like fun to me...BUt that is what I always hear from ppl..we're scared we might end up with 3 girls. Although, I havent heard that about boys yet(?) I named both of my children after they were born. I think it is the best way to go!

djflange said...


I have a young son (12 months old), and my wife is 30 weeks with our second son. I was a little bit dissapointed that we weren't having a little girl, but you love them unconditionally anyway! Now I just have to convince my wife to have another try!