Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I received a promotion at work. I am no longer just answering phones in the call center. I now work at the front desk and get to greet our customer who physically come in the doors. I answer the phones for our computer repair shop only now. Which is not a whole lot. I also do all the odds and ends jobs for others downstairs. I really enjoy the interaction with my colleagues and with our customers. It is better than just staring into a cubicle all day. I had posted a picture of what my cube looked like before. I will have to post my new view of the front doors and the outside from my new spot.
We celebrated Anna's birthday while we were home in Delaware. I promise I will try my hardest to post some pictures this weekend. I will also post pictures of her using her new presents. Like her bike, bubble gun, and princess dress up clothes. Okay thanks for checking in with me. I have a big decision possibly coming up at the end of the month so be praying for me please. Thanks again everybody.