Thursday, December 21, 2006
System is hosed
Just a new video my friends at Shattered Windows have made. Don't mind the first picture it is only 2 seconds of the video but happened to be the very middle of the video that You Tube picks to show.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Despite what Greta may think, I WAS a freshman in college 14 years ago. Tomorrow I turn the double 33's. It was depressing to find out one of my co-workers is 20! I was in Jr. Hi when she was born. Ugh...I know 33 is still young but when you are working along side of people who born when you were in Jr. Hi, you suddenly can't help but to feel a little old? This will be my first birthday where we are not traveling for 8 hours to head back home on my birthday and a number of years. Although I doubt I will celebrate any more this year than I have the past couple of years. Amber did throw me a surprise when I turned 30 but other than that year, it is pretty much another day. It isn't even the first day of the Winter Solstice this year. We get an extra day of fall this year.
Sorry I am so behind on pictures too. I really need to get high speed at home b/c I just don't have the time at work any more. I promise...soon I will get some update pictures of the girls posted. Thanks for checking in on me fellow blogger!! Have a Merry Christmas!!
Sorry I am so behind on pictures too. I really need to get high speed at home b/c I just don't have the time at work any more. I promise...soon I will get some update pictures of the girls posted. Thanks for checking in on me fellow blogger!! Have a Merry Christmas!!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Goodbye my old friend

After 15 years Audio Adrenaline is calling it quits. The lead singer Mark is sadly losing his voice. I saw them in concert for don't censor me 14 years ago as a freshman in college. I left the concert and told my friend I was growing my hair like that guitar player (Will, on the far right of the album cover shown.) They did not believe and I did not cut my hair again for 5 years after that concert. Well it is now 14 years later, my hair is short again and got to see them one last time last night on their farewell tour. Not only did I get to see them, but from floor seats. Not only did I get to see them from floor seats, but as Mercy Me was finishing up after Audio A, Will was standing in the back and I was able to over and meet him. I got to tell him my story of why I grew my hair out and how greatful I was for their music over the last 15 years. It was a great night!! Adios AA!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Renaissance Festival
Went to the Renaissance Festival this weekend. But didn't take my ye olde camera. But we had a lot of fun. Watched full armour jousting, ate soup in a bread bowl, bought a new mug and had a great time with my wife. Anyway just wanted to let everyone know that. I will try to get re dress up in my garb and take a picture of Amber and I dressed up and of my really cool new mug and post them. Have a great week everyone!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Shattered Windows

If you want to read some funny humor, especially for those who are computer tech minded, check out this new site of my friends.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
WOW it's been too long
My job use to give me enough free time to blog at least twice a week. But my responsibilities of piled on and now barely have time to read a blog let alone post on my own. I need to get broadband at home so I can get some posting done at home. Thanks for all those who have kept me on their list of blogs. I promise to give some updates on the family and post some more pictures of the girls. I have still been reading most everybody's blogs. I just usually do not have time to even leave a comment anymore. Thanks for still checking in. Hope to blog more soon.
Missing blogging,
Missing blogging,
Monday, August 28, 2006
45 pictures and 1 hour
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Happy 70th!!
Happy Birthday Day Dad!!! My dad is 70 today. And mom and dad have been married for 48 years today. Thanks mom and dad for being such great parents and role models of what a husband and wife should be.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Zoo Pictures
Friday, June 09, 2006
Catching up
Wow. It seems like forever since I have been a part of the blogging community. I still read all my regular blog on fairly regular basis. But I usually blog my own comments during down times at work. My new job along with a new part of the buisness we started has made work really busy.
We have had Anna and Ella's parties. Still promise to get those pictures posted as soon as possible.
Softball season has started. Our church has its own team for the time this year. I am the coach for team and we got our first win last night. We play double headers everytime we play and we were 1 and 1 last night. Taking our record to 1 and 3 for the year.
Hope you all are continuing to do well. With kids leaving home, kids on the way, and school years and school all together finishing up.
We have had Anna and Ella's parties. Still promise to get those pictures posted as soon as possible.
Softball season has started. Our church has its own team for the time this year. I am the coach for team and we got our first win last night. We play double headers everytime we play and we were 1 and 1 last night. Taking our record to 1 and 3 for the year.
Hope you all are continuing to do well. With kids leaving home, kids on the way, and school years and school all together finishing up.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Rev. Bailey is home
I posted awhile ago about a visit with a dear old friend. It seemed back then he would not make it more than a week or so. He held on for a month and half, till yesterday morning. It is always sad when one of our brothers in Christ leave us, but it is also a time to rejoice for that brother who has gone on to see his Master.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
It's been so long
Wow, has it really been almost a month since I have last posted. Time has gone by fast. The new job is going great. Ella turned one and we are finally having her party this Friday night. Hopefully we will all be better by than. All of us but Anna have been sick for the last week or so. Anna continues to chug along and be as fiesty as ever. We seem to be turning a corner with her. The temper tantrums are coming a little fewer and further between. Thanks for checking in. I will be sure to post some pictures from Ella's party next week.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Sorry, no pictures
I promised to post pictures this weekend and forgot that we were going away for Easter. We had over 50 of Amber's family together for lunch on Sunday. There were 3 Easter egg hunts. One for the babies under 2. They were just on the floor for them to crawl to. Then there was 3-7 year olds in another room. A little harder to find. Then there was from about 10 to the oldest was an 80 year grandmother doing her first ever Easter egg hunt. Spread through out the outside. It was a good time. Tiring because we traveled 3 1/2 hours on Friday night and turned around and came back Sunday night. I will do my best to get them posted as soon as I can. Hope everyone had a great Easter.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
New Job
Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I received a promotion at work. I am no longer just answering phones in the call center. I now work at the front desk and get to greet our customer who physically come in the doors. I answer the phones for our computer repair shop only now. Which is not a whole lot. I also do all the odds and ends jobs for others downstairs. I really enjoy the interaction with my colleagues and with our customers. It is better than just staring into a cubicle all day. I had posted a picture of what my cube looked like before. I will have to post my new view of the front doors and the outside from my new spot.
We celebrated Anna's birthday while we were home in Delaware. I promise I will try my hardest to post some pictures this weekend. I will also post pictures of her using her new presents. Like her bike, bubble gun, and princess dress up clothes. Okay thanks for checking in with me. I have a big decision possibly coming up at the end of the month so be praying for me please. Thanks again everybody.
We celebrated Anna's birthday while we were home in Delaware. I promise I will try my hardest to post some pictures this weekend. I will also post pictures of her using her new presents. Like her bike, bubble gun, and princess dress up clothes. Okay thanks for checking in with me. I have a big decision possibly coming up at the end of the month so be praying for me please. Thanks again everybody.
Friday, March 31, 2006
My Visit With Rev.
We got to go home and see Rev. Bailey. It was a good visit. He was not doing well that day and we were told he may or may not know who we are. He remembered exactly who we were. He told us that his years of ministry were done and we had a lot of them in front of us. He said he didn't know how many souls we could save for the kingdom but to promise him we would save as many as we could. We promised we would. He then prayed for us and told us to take good care of our girls. The spark in his voice was gone as he laid on his hospital bed with the tubes in his nose there in his living room. But the spark in his eyes and what he had to say was still there as strong as ever. I pray that he will soon get to meet his Lord and live pain free for eternity. I pray he will soon here the words, Well Done!! Thy Good and Faithful Servant.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Some Irish Blessing For You On St. Patrick's Day.
May the light always find you on a dreary day.
When you need to be home, may you find your way.
May you always have courage to take a chance
And never find frogs in your underpants.
May the sound of happy music
And the lilt of Irish laughter
Fill your heart with gladness
That stays forever after.
As you slide down the banister of life,
may the splinters never point in the wrong direction
When you need to be home, may you find your way.
May you always have courage to take a chance
And never find frogs in your underpants.
May the sound of happy music
And the lilt of Irish laughter
Fill your heart with gladness
That stays forever after.
As you slide down the banister of life,
may the splinters never point in the wrong direction
Friday, March 10, 2006
Pawley Hammocks
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Pics from the Cavs game
I forgot I promised pictures from the Cavs game so here they are
...starting with the view from our seats.
Me, Ron, Kevin and Kevin
It was Brazilian Carnaval Night and they gave out Anderson Varejao wigs trying to break a record for most wigs worn at a sporting event. A note here...Ron's son, the first Kevin, is not wearing a wig. That is just his natural hair. ...Oh Yeah, and they did break the record.
Great! Thanks LeBron
We realized on way home, apparently some people have lost their window office to a nice big picture of LeBron.
3 Years and Cake
Well Anna is just over 2 weeks shy of her third birthday. Her first two parties were both Dora themed parties. So we are encouraging her to spread her wings a little this year. Some ideas up for consideration this year are:
1. VeggieTales
2. Nemo
3. Little Einsteins
4. JoJo
Yes, she loves to watch Playhouse Disney!! So we shall see what she chooses. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the party.
1. VeggieTales
2. Nemo
3. Little Einsteins
4. JoJo
Yes, she loves to watch Playhouse Disney!! So we shall see what she chooses. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the party.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Rev. Bailey
Well our original plan was to go and see Rev. Bailey on Amber's spring break at the end of March. But I was told yesterday that he had a dream the other day the he went to heaven. When he was there everything was peaceful and relaxed. But then he woke up and was not happy. He was ready to go see his Master. I feel bad. I am hoping he is not being left just for me to go and see him. I am going to call him tonight just in case and try to make plans to go home asap. Maybe next weekend? I no longer am praying for him to hang in there. It is not fair to keep him from where he wants to be for me to see him. So just pray that he has a good journey.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Rev. Bailey
A gentleman who has been almost like a grandfather to my wife and I is very sick. He is 96 years old and we always stop by for a visit every time we go home. (Delaware) He always encourages us in our ministry and supports us with food (mostly bags of candy) and money to take back with us. He is a great man and has been a friend of the family since my parents were my age. Actually since they were younger than I am now. When they first moved to Delaware he took them under his wing when they showed up at the church where he was pastoring. He has cancer on his kidney and they are giving him only 6 months. Hospice is going to come and bring a hospital bed for him at home. When asked which bedroom he wants to be in he replied, "the living room." You see Rev. is not one to miss anything that is going on. He wants to be where he can see everything that is going on. Where it is easy for people to still come and visit him. He has barely lost a step in 96 years and is a saint of the church in my book. Please pray that he does not suffer much and that he will hang in there until Amber and I get a chance to get back and see him one more time.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Happy Birthday Rachael!!
I became an Uncle 20 years ago today!!! I can still remember the moment I found out. I was 12 and playing outside. My sister lived in Iowa and my mom had gone out to be there. My dad came out an stopped me from playing with my friends long enough to tell me I was an uncle. I remember being very excited. I am even more excited now to see the wonderful woman my niece has become. Happy Birthday Rach!!
Monday, February 06, 2006
MacGyver was back!!!

Monday, January 30, 2006
10 days of silence.
Wow, I cannot believe I have let 10 days go by with out posting. I have about a dozen blogs I read every day and there are about 3 of them that have come to almost a stand still on their blogging. I don't want to do that. I usually blog while at work and work as become quite busy lately. I am still here and still reading most everyone else's blog every day. Well not "everyone", but everyone's blog who I comment on. You have all been faithful to keep me informed on your lives and I have not been able to do the same. So some quick updates.
Anna is just about potty trained now.
Ella is sitting up on her own and eating solid foods.
My new job is not yet full time but keeping me quite busy the days I do work it.
I am very worried about an old friend. Old as in he is 96, and is having kidney problems. He is ready to go, but the rest of us are not quite as ready.
Ok so those are some highlights for now. I am also looking forward to our church having enough people to have our own church softball team this year. Thanks for checking in, I continuing to pray for those of you who are going through hard times right now. Thanks for sharing your lives.
Anna is just about potty trained now.
Ella is sitting up on her own and eating solid foods.
My new job is not yet full time but keeping me quite busy the days I do work it.
I am very worried about an old friend. Old as in he is 96, and is having kidney problems. He is ready to go, but the rest of us are not quite as ready.
Ok so those are some highlights for now. I am also looking forward to our church having enough people to have our own church softball team this year. Thanks for checking in, I continuing to pray for those of you who are going through hard times right now. Thanks for sharing your lives.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Whip or love and a gentle spirit
So I preached this past Sunday. And of course we had almost more visitors than we have had in a long time. And of course I had this silly part planned where I reenact a tv evangelist I saw on that was speaking about what my sermon was about that week. I figured no problem, I know everybody at church, it won't be embarrassing.
I preached from 1 Corinthian 4 concentrating on v. 20 and 21.
20For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 21What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?
I basically said that the power we have is to be use with a gentle spirit. We tend to go after "the issues", gay marriages, abortion, intelligent design, etc... With a whip. Demanding our rights as Christians be heard. We are to follow Christ's example and lay down our rights. We need to remember behind every issue are broken and lost sinners. We need to remember:
Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit...
Notice the Kingdom around you and use it...for righteousness, peace and joy!!
I preached from 1 Corinthian 4 concentrating on v. 20 and 21.
20For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 21What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?
I basically said that the power we have is to be use with a gentle spirit. We tend to go after "the issues", gay marriages, abortion, intelligent design, etc... With a whip. Demanding our rights as Christians be heard. We are to follow Christ's example and lay down our rights. We need to remember behind every issue are broken and lost sinners. We need to remember:
Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit...
Notice the Kingdom around you and use it...for righteousness, peace and joy!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny

If you are a teacher, are married to a teacher (as I am) or just love good stories I highly recommend this book. It will change the way you look at teachers, even if you are one. This book will definitely make you laugh and it may even make you cry. He makes you wish you could be a teacher, even if you are one. It is definitely a good read and it won't take long to go from cover to cover.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy 2006!!!

So how was your 2005? I am kind of saddened to see it go. It was a year for not only my new baby, but for a lot of friends as well. It was also a year that a lot of my friends (blogger friends and life long ones) have seen the end of lives. I was going to make a comment here about the cycle of life. But unfortunately for many, they were lives cut very short of their cycle.
People ask why blog? Why get so wrapped up in the lives of people you have never actually "met"? Why grieve and feel loss for people you have never met?... Why not?
Why not have one more community in your life? Why not learn lessons from any where you can? Why not mourn for those who have lost their little one and go home and love your little ones that much more? Why not mourn for those who have lost a sibling and go home for Christmas and hang on to your siblings a little tighter? To those who have shared their lives. Thank you for sharing. I can only hope my prayers and thoughts in return are enough repayment.
So we look to 2006. What more will this year bring? More beginnings? More endings? More hellos? More goodbyes? More Hope? More healing? More friends? More family?...
More of God? Less of me?... I can only hope!!!
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