Monday, October 31, 2005

Some more pics of the girls

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The girls in their matching sweats.

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Anna picking out a pumpkin.

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Ella's fist cereal.

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Anna "helping" Daddy.

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Anna being silly!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Wonder...

Image hosted by much or what I would need to blog to deserve one of these???

New Blog Fad

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Goose Egg

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That is what is on Anna's head today. She thought my e-z chair was a trampoline last night. As I went to get her off she turned to try and avoid and cracked her head hard on the corner of the wall. I was so freaked out. I am so glad that Amber was there. I cannot handle to see my little girl in pain. I picked her up and I ran and got the ice. I let Amber handle it from there. God must make toddler's head nice and thick. She was okay after just a couple of minutes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Blue Like Jazz

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Besides Greta, has anyone read this book? Or even one of his others like "Searching for God Knows What"? Just curious what others have thought. I think I am going to buy it here soon.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fun @ Work

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We have a warning sign on the door into our work area. It is a yellow caution sign that read "Watch For Flying Objects". We have 2 of these poofy balls and 2 of the regular foam poof balls that we play catch with. Or hit people with depending on our mood. The cool part is our boss participates too. How many of you can throw a ball at your boss why he is not looking and not get in trouble? It is still by far the not the best job in the world, but all things considered, it's not that bad.

Off to Pizza Hut with the guys today. Please be praying for a friend of mine. A long story, but his name is Ron, God knows so just pray. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Chiropractor

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So I went to the chiropractor for the first time the other day. It really wasn't painful at all in spite of the picture. I had a real bad pain in my shoulder the other night and mentioned to the massage therapist. (We get massages every other week at work!) She thought my shoulder felt out of place and suggest I see a chiropractor. So since we have been taking Ella and she has been doing so well. (Here is that story) So I decided to give it a try. Turns out I had two misalignments. Supposedly this could be the reason for a lot of my headaches as well.

So the table adjustments were no big deal. The weird part was when he is holding my head and says to problem. head is being twisted and making noises the bad guys necks make when Segal is twisting their neck. Except they don't seem to go...Wow that feels better thanks!!! They just don't seem to move anymore??? But it turns out I was still able to move afterward and everything was okay. Just not sure I could relax as well if their were to be a next time???

Friday, October 07, 2005

A thought from Albert Day

From The captivating Presence:

"I came to a new understanding why Jesus passed up the religious establishment of his day, the economically secure, the socially prestigious, and sought out the poor, the outcast, the sinner, the broken, the sick, the lonely. He felt, as we so often do not fell, their sorrow. He was acquainted, as we too seldom are, with their grief. On Calvary he died of a broken heart. But that hear was broken long before Black Friday, By the desolation of the common people. "In all their afflictions he was afflicted."

Most of the time we are not. We seem to have quite a different conception of life. We avoid as much as possible the unpleasant. We shun the suffering of others. We shrink from any burdens except those which life itself inescapably thrusts upon us. We seek arduously the wealth and power that will enable us to secure ourselves against the possibility of being involved with another's affliction. Lazarus sometimes makes his way to our door step. We toss him a coin and go on our way. We give our charities but we do not give ourselves. We build charitable institutions but we do not build ourselves into other's lives."

Sorry for the deeper than usual post...but I felt I needed and many of you may have needed it too?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Gran is coming to town

I go to pick my mom up at the airport in a couple of hours from now. She is flying up for a week to spend sometime with her very missed granddaughters. She is coming up from Florida and is really excited about seeing her granddaughters again. She has not seen Ella since the week she was born. I know, she lives in FL why aren't we going to see her. Answer, it is a lot cheaper to bring one person up here then to take 4 of us down there. Hopefully this summer we will make it down.